First Series DVD / 2015 Edition - Ashtanga Yoga Productions

First Series DVD / 2015 Edition

Regular price $ 22.95 Sale price $ 14.95


In 2015 David filmed an updated version of his popular traditional First Series DVD. It is the same sequence but utilized many new features to make it even more user-friendly.
Filmed in a dramatic setting focusing on his body moving in space there are no external distractions, only the simple lines of energy flowing in the postures and his soothing voice offering encouragement and direct verbal instruction.
He provides clear, concise and user-friendly instructions to guide the practitioner through the FULL FIRST SERIES of Ashtanga Yoga including a Deep Relaxation.
As an added bonus he has created valuable resources within the program menu such as the Alternatives Section where he explains in clear, simple terms wonderful modifications to the more challenging asanas.  In the Five Elements Section David shares insights into the essential foundations for building and maintaining a lifelong practice.
"Though a DVD can never replace the attentive presence of a teacher I have done everything I can to fill this DVD with as much instructional material, compassion and love as possible while also keeping it down-to-earth and user-friendly." -David